Matt Meyer is a New York City-based educator, activist, and author, and is coordinator of the War Resisters International Africa Support Network. In this clip, he discusses the power of respect in education, especially peace education.
Global Citizenship in the Classroom
Jenny Buccos is an agent of global citizenship who was recognized as a 2012 White House Champion of Change. Her talk shares her passion about educating primary and secondary school students about global cultures and histories by the use of multimedia.
Blind Social Experiment – I trust you, do you trust me?
Humans are naturally programmed to distrust strangers, especially where touching is concerned. Therefore, one man’s intention to give out hugs to strangers was unique enough to prompt the growing crowd to be suspicious. Warily, they watched as he offered free hugs. Could they trust this stranger and his intentions? Was he just playing a prank? […]
What Children Teach Us About Peace
John Hunter, creator of the World Peace Game, shares his thoughts about peace education and how Maria Montessori’s ideals of the prepared environment and following the child can lead to new discoveries for students and educators alike. Peace education is a vital component of the Montessori curriculum. The teaching of peace and global citizenship can […]
Peace Education for Social Change – Using the Circle of Praxis
Michael Klein, Ed.D., faculty at University of St. Tomas, Saint Paul, MN, discusses how education can change the world through a peace pedagogy utilizing the Circle of Praxis. The Circle of Praxis, as described by Klein, is outlined in this video as a method for peace educators to fuse theory and action to address injustice […]
Statue Exercise
A peace education exercise combining insights into different types of violence with the transformative experience of interaction.
“Living Peace: Let’s Bridge” Project
For more information and to access the project booklets visit the following links:
Educating for Peace: The Essence of Montessori
This is a short presentation on the American Montessori Society’s Peace curriculum.
Reading, writing, arithmetic and PEACE
Peacebuilding is a learned skill just like reading and arithmetic. Educators and Ceeds of Peace founders Maya Soetoro-Ng and Kerrie Urosevich illustrate how peacebuilding can be taught to young children and eventually bring lasting social change to the world.
Trying to describe Empathy
Here’s actor Mark Ruffalo trying to teach a Sesame Street Muppet named Murray about a very big word: Empathy