Peace lesson talks

“An interactive learning platform on peacebuilding”

There is a lot to learn about peace and there are a lot of experiences and experts to guide us in this direction. Peace lesson talks develops, selects and organises concrete and outstanding lessons on peace, through videos and animations.


Facilitate and make available different lessons on peacebuilding and peace education around the world.

Identify exceptional talks and speakers that can lead us to improve our goals and projects. 

Empowering our knowledge about peace will lead us to better understand our societies, transform conflict and promote nonviolence.


Develop and renew strategies to better understand peace education in relation to peacebuilding and overall well-being in different contexts.

Get In Touch

If you want to learn more about this project, do not hesitate to contact our project team!

Project leader:

María Paula Unigarro

Project collaborators:

EGP Leadership Board